Saturday, July 14, 2018

Homemade Tire Roof Shingles and How To Install

Make sure you study The Homestead Survival  tips for innovative ways you can become self-sufficient on a budget.

If you live in a low income area you notice that people don't hundreds of tires in your neighborhood

You can ensure this works to your advantage by taking a bust tire that has been thrown out and using it for your roofing shingles DIY project. Using used tires to make your roof is an excellent idea because rubber is waterproof. In this article you will learn a DIY project on how to use recycled tires as roofing materials.

Recycled tire roofing shingles are an innovative material for roofing that helps homeowners save money (as trying to purchase readymade rubber for roofing on popular platforms like Craigslist and Ebay would entail spending several hundreds or even thousands of dollars) apart from saving the environment.

Built from recycled tires, the roofing shingles (made after this DIY project) are more durable and eco-friendly than the traditional wooden or slate roofing styles.

Materials for Shingles:

Car Tires

Sharp Razor Blades

Materials for Roof:

3/4″ Plywood sheets

8ft 2″x4″


Miscellaneous wood

This recycled tire roofing shingles DIY project is easy to complete with the right materials besides the use of used tires. The project shows the method you can use to cut a tire part so as to make a tire shingle.

It addresses the positives and negatives of using recycled tire shingles, along with the weight considerations of the home to be roofed with tire shingles and steps on how to install the shingles. See the tutorial below.

We all know that used tires are thrown out daily and someone has to dispose or make use of them…. let your homestead benefit.

Click here to read about how to make homemade tire roof shingles and how to install them:

Roof shingles are not new they are made by corporations in the industrial world

Even though the shingles are made in desperately, they are many other products that are not made buy bigger corporations as of yet, if you're thinking that maybe you could make roads out of these old tires or even patio pavers, then think again these things have already been created Nazi say that you couldn't do them yourself. Just grind up the tires is capable and add them to your concrete

Keep this Recipe in mine
Boil water and mix concrete into the boiling water then add into hot melted plastic when the water almost is evaporated or just adds very little water to the concrete and Heat the concrete and then add the melted plastic bags or plastic bottles to the mix.

How far can you stretch a bag of cement, I'll results that we can take one bag and stretch it into 4 using these techniques

Cutting rubber tires into something artistic

 When you've done learning how to cut your rubber into specialized designs then the end results as your product will end up looking like this
With all these ideas and more to come why do we even have waste in the first place, it's because the people themselves are not using their imagination. They're always waiting for permission to do something. The government is not our father and mother you are supposed to be covering yourself. Take initiative and use your imagination and this is already a better world, but it seems to me that there buying into Trump saying let's make America great again as though it wasn't great in the first place, it is up to the individual to make America what is going to be or not going to be not a president. You are a independent Republican by the Constitution start acting like it.

Friday, July 13, 2018

May I see your papers is back from slavery times

May I see your papers was abolished when slavery was abolished now it's back for every u.s. citizen and here's the proof

Monday, July 9, 2018

Update ; 3D printing a house without a computerized 3D printer


Here's  the proof

If you can't afford a 3D printer, we are about to show you how to 3D print without a 3D printer that means manually. Please read careful and use your imagination to fill in the blanks this form is not to let you still or ideas but give you a reference on how it's done.
Here's another mystery why do they say there's a race to build the first 3D printed house, of course it would depend on your definition of what a 3D printed house exactly is. Let's look at some older unsophisticated 3D printing without the computer that was done years ago. And then understand what are they trying to do in the future different then they already done in the past. Maybe it's just forgotten and they thought it's brand new keep in mind it could be just that they added a computer onto all these new inventions. To fully understand what we're talking about you must watch each and every video, to understand the purpose when we say we can build you a 3D printer without a 3D printer or what is called a manual 3D printer see the video Brickey. And yes you can make full bricks and slide down to the next one which you will see in the past and other videos that we put for you to understand one simple thing there's nothing new Under the Sun.
By modifying this toy and the cements that you work with you can now 3D print like a 3D printer. the secret came out of this press brick machine, as long as you can make your concrete like clay you can use whatever form to pressed your bricks into existence
After seeing this it is your turn to use your imagination to make your own brick making 3D manual printer. Of course will give you some back reference for you to figure it out it's not hard at all, it's just using your Ingenuity to get the job done. We've already told you the secret make your cement like clay.
What you are seeing is a 3D printer that prints with cement instead of plastic. But can you 3D print without the computer and get similar results, here's a device below that comes close.
After seeing the information we now look for information on people who have built their own out of basic woods and screws see the video below DIY has become a major industry.

So we are to understand that we could take a couple pieces of wood glued or hammered or even nailed together and make an apparatus they can do close to what a 3D machine can do, without all the fancy curves and designs in it just a straight wall. Most people have claimed it after cement has Drive you can't lay another layer on top of it, of course laying bricks would prove them wrong since the bricks are dry and the mortar put on top of it is wet even after years you could go back and extend the wall. So it's all about the materials used mortar or cement for a combination of the two, this is the information missing about making your own 3D printer without the actual 3D computerized printer. Yes you could manually 3D print your own basic shapes.
The information above in the video only shows you what the computer must do in order to do its job, these are called references videos to learn how a computer can do the work of a human, now let's go back to how we can now turn ourselves into 3D printers and get the job done on the cheap.
                                    Reference history

Here's a new device, so they say, because most of you don't believe there's nothing new Under the Sun. So let's take this history references on how these different devices came to the market
This concrete ball was supposed to be the motel of the future,

In 1935, an inventor from Indiana devised a new way to build what he believed was the motel of the future. If William E. Urschel had had his way, tourists around the world would all be relaxing in these concrete golf-ball-looking structures by now. It's a good thing he didn't get his way.
Comparing his structures to the igloos of the Inuit people, Urschel's patent for his ball-motel building system described it as an "eskimo house building form." His structures were billed as offering a more efficient use of space, and Urschel claimed that they were also more convenient to build than old-fashioned houses with traditional building methods. And they weren't just for motels. Urschel imagined that these golf-ball designs could be used for gas stations, "tourist refreshment buildings," or even churches.
The October 1935 issue of Everyday Science and Mechanics magazine included an illustration of the building (above) and a few illustrations cribbed from the patent application.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

AquaWeb; a new system to capture water

With the expected population increase in mind and its growing concentration in the cities, a team of experts has designed AquaWeb; a system to capture water from rain and moisture, and manage it efficiently in urban crops, the evolution of the classic fog-trapThe secret to the success of innovation, keep in mind we took this  from a Spanish site  and sometimes  words are conveyed in different ways  we're pretty sure that they're not actually catching frogs  but took the inspiration from  frogs  and called it a frog trap 

With the expected population increase in mind and its growing concentration in the cities, a team of experts has designed AquaWeb; a system to capture water from rain and moisture, and manage it efficiently in urban crops, the evolution of the classic fog-trapThe secret to the success of innovation

Lima is the second driest city on the planet, its annual rainfall does not exceed 10 mm. The lack of water, as in most cases, is especially suffered by the poorest communities and families. About 1 million families in Lima do not have access to running water, in all of Peru there may be 10 million.
In the absence of "official" solutions, some began to look for alternative solutions. And this was the case of the Peruvian Engineer Abel Cruz GutiĆ©rrez, who 14 years ago found a very clever solution to alleviate, as far as possible, the problem of lack of water. The solution is to catch the fog with its fog catchers, trapping the water drop by drop.
The idea is that the small drops of fog remain attached, thanks to the wind, in the nylon threads of the meshes (6 x 4 m) and then redirect them and accumulate them in tanks thanks to gravity. A system with which you can capture up to 350 liters of water daily. This water, although it is not suitable for human consumption, if it can be used for domestic tasks and cleaning, cleaning and irrigation.

awarded with the Ray of Hope 2017 , is that it has taken its inspiration from nature, specifically bees, spiders, fungi and plants.

To shape a system that was suitable for urban producers and,The water of the fog catchers has allowed many families to survive thanks to agriculture.

The next step of Cruz is to be able to make the water of the catwalks drinkable and that the meshes can work all year round.
In addition to Peru, fog catchers are also used in Chile, in addition to other countries that are currently experiencing their use.
Clouds in the sky are not lacking. therefore, fully adaptable and self-sufficient, NexLoop looked naturally for the answers it needed. With this, when asked how to freely capture the water present in the atmosphere, the team focused on how spiders weave cobwebs that absorb water from fog .
After replicating this natural mechanism in its design, the next step of the team led by Jacob Russo, Anamarija Frankic and C. Mike Lindsey was to respond to how to store the water captured passively. For this, in this case the inspiration came from plants more resistant to drought , such as the ground anemone, scientifically known as Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, from which they learned how to retain water to survive in the most arid conditions.
Moving forward with its innovation, another issue that the team had to solve was how to distribute the water once captured. Again, nature illustrated them. Specifically, in this case it was the mycorrhizal fungi that helped to continue shaping the system, given its importance to transport water and nutrients and contribute them to the nearby species that need them.
With all the above, to close AquaWeb's design, it was only necessary to find the solid structure that would give shape to the whole. And at this point it was the bees that gave the solution, since the system took as a model the hexagonal structures of honeycombs , both for their efficiency and for their modular design.
Thus, with these sources, the result has been a system that will allow urban producers to save energyand be much more resistant to any unforeseen event. Specially designed to provide water to urban growing areas, such as greenhouses, vertical gardens or production areas in containers, AquaWeb aims to respond to a challenge of great magnitude: that it is possible to guarantee food to a growing and increasingly concentrated population in cities.
Thus, the design and development of this system is based on forecasts such as the following: it is estimated that the population of the earth will rise to 9,000 million people in 2050, year in which, in addition, 7 out of 10 will reside in urban areas . How to produce safe and sufficient food in cities? And this is precisely the doubt that this team tries to alleviate with AquaWeb, which, according to its slogan, will provide "renewable water for sustainable food" . This is also closely related to atmospheric water trapping using salt to attract water. 1 video example;
2 video example; 

3 video examples; 
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