Saturday, December 29, 2018

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Will they let the truth stay up or will they delete this information before you get it +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

We expect this post to be taken down so we're doing a small experiment let's see if you get to see this information at this post

Now of course if they've taken it down then we're going to try to give you some of the information we posted to see if this post survived simple and clear that's all.

Finally somebody gets what we've been about over 35 years, unfortunately he's still trying to figure out how to rig this up. It does not take that much energy to move something back and forth, and the key is time like in your regular engine which she mentioned. So let's put all this together in videos that you can go back and watch so you understand this technology is not being used only by me media library but government officials and other people, I'll also put in the various types of devices that are actually running Keep in mind that even though the amount of electricity that I have mentions in the videos put it in a bigger device this device will still draw the same amount of energy. Let's get started
https: // youtu.
All using Callaway V gate technology which was on YouTube for many years let's look at the original document which many people have watched so why do not we understand how this magnetic engine can actually benefit you in making Off the Grid energy what are you missing no one wants to leave a comment on what they think is missing out of this type of device so we can talk it through. This is why 90% of the world does not have the technology we understand and you do not
So now let's look at a failure to understand this technology, we wanted to see this because someone took this particular design and put in speaker underneath and let the speaker vibrate up and down causing the same action that this guy is trying to do with wooden leathers oh, how much energy does it take a speaker to vibrate up and down please this technology is it used to try and see that they're trying to keep you from it by putting all these deceptive videos and rhetoric about things that you know nothing about Just to mention we coined the phrase overunity and it does not mean you get more power out then you put in, I've stated many times I understand why they believe this but it's just simply not true. So why doesn ' t people go and ask the people who invented it, and how do you create overunity loops. If you really want to know then you have to start asking the questions so let's look at this video
As we mentioned why do not they get that they could move that with a simple little speaker let's see if you catch on

https: // youtu. be / fdQvwO1avZY
Now try putting all the information we have given in u21 Project remember they have to work in conjunction with each other we will give you one more video and asked a question instead of using your fingers to push this engine up and down what if you put a speaker under it and attach a magnet under it what will happen
Last but not least let's see if it's possible to Tasty speaker and move to an entire engine, this is the last clue we will give because it is obvious after this point.


You can contact me via library at 313-651-5349 if you want to discuss these issues, but before I go I would like to put someone with an opinion in this discussion after seeing it remember before Tesla made alternating current he was using batteries and he was alternating DC current to get to where he was with his free energy devices so if you wish to listen to these types of people you will never discover free energy which means that they keep making money wow producing almost free energy and making you pay for it that's really free it's called deception
Okay that's walk-in what we have to do if you just want to drop us an email you may do so at

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Update information (fiber optics solar batteries) +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

A lot of people wanted to know more about these fiber optics solar batteries and how they operate, of course we couldn't give away our secrets because we wouldn't have anything to Patton. But there's another way for you to understand how we came to our conclusions by watching what is known already on the market. This information should give you an idea on how and why we are developing fiber optics solar batteries in the first place. If you didn't get a chance to see those fiber optics solar batteries please go back following this link to see the previous papers.
                         Original papers on fiber optics solar batteries above

The videos that you see below will serve you well in learning what is possible when it comes to fiber optic in lighting technology. You'll be surprised on what you will learn and then you will be able to understand what we are doing with our designs based on the technology we already know about, now we are taking that just a bit further not much just a little bit to stretch the Realms of possibilities with the facts of what already exists.

This is the reason why I love working in the library, at Media Library. I'm going to show you a series of videos so you can get to understand how we progressed with this new product we have called fiber optics solar batteries. Let's play a video where the typical lobbyist is letting you know about what he knows about fiber optics, most people will have this type of knowledge about fiber optics. But there is so much more that he doesn't mention but we have to learn from the bottom up so let's look at this from the top.
Next let's look at some Next Generation fiber optics or what we call bending light to your demand.

No believe it or not the next video that we are showing you below has to do with how our system works yes us fiber optics solar Batteries Not only uses artificial light, but also sunlight in combination to get the most out of the product. Why because our system must work at night

Me and my staff argued a lot about whether we were going to put this next video in, and tells a little too much on how I system works. But as you see it's here. Most of my staff doesn't believe there's anyone smart enough to figure out what we are actually doing even though this video explains it it seems to go in a different direction in which we are apparently using are solar batteries for. Maybe you will be the exception?
The next video you are watching talks about those solar lights and how the switching mechanism works of course this one is custom. But they all basically work the same.

Now let's learn about these advanced fiber optics and how they actually work. Remember people put thousands of Christmas lights up every year and I know that burns to some electricity. So fiber optics are now coming in two-faced day watch the next two videos and see how even the office buildings are using this technology and the next Generations.

So if you're not understanding let's put it in simpler terms, we want the apparatus to Glow the Glo means that light is being light absorbed, this is the reason why you have to understand laser light. Even though this system doesn't need to use laser light it does give the light amplification in each one of the panels, to understand the process of lasers meaning that you can just simply get a brighter light for Less power.

Something light from the outdoors indoors throughout skyscrapers is a thing of the past, the new innovation is to this technology in solar upgrades, something we've been working with and know that others are on the same path.

As you look through these technologies that are already been tried and sold on the market you see fiber optic solar batteries is not a stretch of the imagination, it's just a New Concept to an old technology.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Fiber optics solar batteries +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

Here is an update to the fiber-optic solar batteries, the battery that you see in this video is going to show you proof of concept. The next update will be on how to collect energy from the battery correctly since the industrial people have been doing it incorrectly. Remember I'm the father of overunity V / 1 is the physics behind it and when we use this formula punched into this new solar project you get something extraordinary but let's not get ahead of herself see the update here
Some updates on the experiment with the fiber optics solar cells
After watching this video from YouTube ( )
 I got inspired to update my on Project I've been experimenting with, one of the things I wanted to mentioned when I believe people are right at the same time they're wrong. That happens a lot here in the USA what I agreed with is if you add ordinary batteries to your solar system then his statement about them are totally correct. But that's the problem we always think of dying instead of building, if you make your own batteries then the price of storing energy goes down drastically here's a links:
1.5   (  )

2 conductive ink(   )
      )   3 what can you use to battery in(   ) ideas to use conductive ink 4 (   )

Of course this is the most efficient ways to make your own batteries for your solar systems oh, yes it takes a long time but it is much better than the ones you buy out of the store. Of course on YouTube there are easier ways to make batteries but I find when I did this they don't last as long. The aluminum battery which is just simply taking crust charcoal croquettes You by at most grocery stores crushing them ups and putting them in aluminum here's a link to how to do that even though it is thousands of videos reference to this type of battery;
So where are we at with this Tesla Park creation, not far again it's just in its infancy keeping the grass cut is more than just a chore it grows back so fast we call it supergrass.
But back to the fiber-optic batteries one of my first test that confirms that I can actually produce power from this idea by using string LED lighting which says on the package that they are 91% efficient oh, I wanted to put that to the test, those cheap solar lights they sell you was more than enough to make the voltage side of what I needed, even though the amps isn't very much it still takes a lot more solar to produce 1 amp then it does voltage. This causes the light's not to shine very brightly when you just use the voltage side even though they will light, so I sign using the batteries to run the efficient lights and using the solar to keep the battery charged successful. Of course if you want to know all the secrets on how to make this work in large scales you're probably going to have to call me 313-651-5349 but of course if you think you can figure it out with conventional science I'll tell you no no way. And the reason why Nikola Tesla had it right but of course it's a part of his story that most people miss so if you feel free to call my library the number is already given to you

Fiber optic Solar batteries created by Media Library Lloyd  G  Stovall  we
If this information is correct and you apply it to the technology being mentioned in this picture, can you see the potential, ( link )

A solar panel will generate electricity when placed in the sun, Are new fiber optics solar batteries will not need the Sun,yet will still be connected from a cells to an electrical circuit, Called a charge controller. How many amps of electricity will it  produce, depends on the Fiber optics solar batteries what size solar cell are because the fiber optics produce its own light, so they are constant when it comes to light. the characteristics of the circuit to which the panel is connected,  how intelligent is your circuit or charge controller to maximize the voltage given, see number one in related articles. Calculate the amps produced by the cells were measurements using a digital multimeter.


Look at the back of the solar panel or consult the installation manual and find the maximum rated power of the panel in watts. Look also for the maximum power voltage, Vmp, which is in volts.


Calculate the current produced by the solar panel when it is generating its maximum power. Calculate the current in amps by dividing power in watts by the voltage in volts. For example, if the solar panel is rated at 175 watts and the maximum power voltage, Vmp, is given as 23.6 volts, then calculate the current as 175 watts divided by 23.6 volts, which is equal to 7.42 amps. This is current produced by the solar panel at full power.


Take a digital multimeter and switch the dial to direct-current volts. With the solar panel connected to an electrical circuit, measure the voltage between the positive and negative terminals of the solar panel. Make a note of this value. Disconnect the solar panel from the circuit and switch the digital multimeter to measuring resistance. Measure the resistance of the electrical circuit in ohms and write down this value. Reconnect the solar panel to the circuit.


Calculate the current in amps flowing through the circuit by dividing the voltage by the resistance. This relationship is Ohm's law (see References 1). For example, if you measured the voltage as 22.1 volts and the resistance of the circuit as 3.2 ohms, divide 22.1 by 3.2 ohms to get 6.91 amps. This is the actual current produced by the solar panel, given the amount of sunshine on the panel and the characteristics of the circuit.

Things You Will Need

  • Digital multimeter


  • Measuring the voltage of a single solar panel is not dangerous. If you have several panels connected together, however, consult a qualified technician to assist you in this procedure.

There are a few things you should know, 1 why did we put these solar in a Chase. Ass doesn't it diminish the light for the solar, again the project is called fiber optics solar, that means that these solar produced their own light, of course we can't talk about how they do just that until after the patent has been received. I will completely divulge the secret then, but it's a few things we can talk about and show a few videos so maybe you very intelligent people will catch on.
The size, and the area in which your solar's cover. 
This was the first thing we wanted to correct (space issues)
In the three fiber optics solar batteries created in the upper left corner, consist of 18 sollars all coming from the same Source displayed next to them which are solar lights. As you can see 10 of those same solar lights compared to 18 in the battery experiment, space issues has been solved.
the next issue we wanted to solve was maintenance, putting solar on the roof and clean them, or having them out in the weather does things like this.


Friday, September 21, 2018

New types of washing machines for tiny houses +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031


As a bachelor, I can attest that the washing machine is like a kingdom tht needs to be annexed. If one person has the kingdom, the power is completely in their hands. My flatmate has a tendency of taking roughly 24 hours for an otherwise 2 hour wash. He leaves his clothes in the tub for ages before actually putting them on the clothesline to dry. For people with such etiquette, or the lack of it, the Quinque stands out as a washing machine built for people who share a roof.
The Quinque works on a unique concept of having two chambers. A wash chamber, and a storage chamber (divided into 5 separate compartments). The person using the machine just has to place their clothes inside the washing tub, and Quinque performs the necessary wash cycle on it. Once the clothes are washed, they enter a compartment in the storage chamber, where they are kept until they are collected by their respective owner. The storage chamber can be used by multiple people, and people can pre-plan their washes by just placing the load inan empty compartment. The washing machine then will wash and re-store the clothes based on your wash plan. You can create a customize-able wash plan with your fellow flatmates, setting your own start and end times, and the machine will do the rest.
The design of the machine is undoubtedly unique, bordering on iconic. Being a wall mounted design, the machine is perfectly circular. The circular front door/panel and even the circular ring display around the glass complement each other, creating what is easily a fresh, clean, and balanced design built around a unique and (speaking as a bachelor) brilliant concept.
Designer: Kyumin Ha

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Let's talk to Captain Kirk 1 +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

Roll call for Captain Kirk please report to the bridge, why are we putting this video up for you Star Trek fans, one we are working on building our own
Star Trek shuttle / houseboat. We likes making these props into actual functional devices, anything from Star Trek 2 Marvel Comics, even anime. That we think we can build an actual functioning project out of is something we're trying to find out if you're interesting in seeing, give us a plus or a thumbs up if you don't mind seeing other things then what your describe two, these are mods or super mods

And to We Believe exactly what he is saying the things on Star Trek Star now reality, and many of our papers are also staying the same thing as we increase our knowledge and get away from government control they're going to try and put you back on course. Technology is not designed to free you from the system. It's supposed to keep you chained to it much like your cell phone. But as soon as someone finds a way to do these things without King for them someone out there, maybe a corporation or even a government entity of some sort or going to try to correct this problem. Let's take for example YouTube totally free, now they're trying to correct that by making you pay for that if anyone has any type of foresight then you will know in the future YouTube will not be free. Is too much money to make out there for people trying to get their information to you and do it for free how long can that last. Anyway enjoy the video

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

It's becoming illegal to go off the grid let me tell you why +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031
As you will see or have seen, there are oppositions two going off the grid. The question is why if we're looking towards cleaner and Greener Technologies. Of course there are cleaner Technologies out there and a lot inexpensive ones and the technology is improving as people find out that not all those free energy devices or scams. Yes solar is a real device and you could overtime receive your money back in power. Wind power and hydropower are now being modified for the backyard use. Things likes solar powered windmills, magnetic windmills, and our latest project fiber optic solar sales. Are just to name a few that Tesla has already coined see picture below.
But if all those free energy devices or just scams, including Nicolai Tesla's wireless energy. Even though we've caught regular scientists using this power, they always seem to have an excuse on why you shouldn't use these types of devices. Of course we should all just pay and continue to pay because that's what the authorities have told us. And the people who want to scare you into submission will show you dozens of stories with people who have been taken advantage of to keep you on the system. So if all this is true why do these types of things in these following videos

What is the correct term that people are using when they say free energy. Here is a video example of what we use as a definition of free energy.
Please watch the entire thing before judging,

It is so nice to hear someone trying to explain that idiotic fallacies of a money hungry corporate facility. But let's let you make your own decisions, our job here is to show you that people are and can produce their own free energy. It's not a scam people are doing it and they want to stop you.

Reference videos if you want to research this subject even further. We've made our point!

And of course we have to add these videos in just for fun, and because it's Nikola Tesla

Mattifying inverter to increase power +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031
Why are we showing these particular videos of course some people cannot afford these types inverters for your solar panels and other projects, so you're going to have to learn how to modify those cheap ones to suit your needs. Of course in an emergency if you have these sometimes $25 cheap inverters can you modify it to be more powerful you are about to see.
                                        Part 1
 part 2

As you can see this is a project for more skilled people who want to try, but if you are person who wants to add skill to its Reservoir, then by all means keep this information

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Upcoming Marvel movie +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

Hello Marvel fans have you seen the upcoming superhero

Is this a quick way to get rich, or a quick way to destroy you decide +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

Most sand on the beach consists of grains of the mineral quartz (SiO2). Mineral sands are old beach sands that contain concentrations of the important minerals, rutile, ilmenite, zircon and monazite. These minerals are heavy and are also called 'heavy minerals'. But that is most and some sand contain other minerals,Hematite, also spelled as haematite, is the mineral form of iron(III) oxide, one of several iron oxides. It is the oldest known iron oxide mineral that has ever formed on earth, and is widespread in rocks and soils

The Democratic Republic of Congo declared cobalt and coltan strategic mineral. The Democratic Republic of Congo has declared cobalt and coltan strategic mineralresources. ... Cobalt and coltan are used in the production of electric vehicles, electronic devices, and renewable energy technology.
ColtanColtan is short for columbite-tantalite, a dull metallic ore. When refined, coltanbecomes a heat resistant powder, metallic tantalum, which has unique properties for storing electrical charge. ... Pegmatites contain many rare metals, as well as enormous crystals of some common minerals.

Could weed simply just stop buying from these areas, or China who buys these things illegally. It just came to my intentions over 35 years ago set every country could mind their own resources but it's a dirty job. And no one wants to work like the people in the videos using shovels, this is where the prices go outrageous, yes cheap labor is why we're in this predicament. But this careers for people who need money and they want to know where to get it free. Being a money specialist, it's what you walk over everyday it's all around you and you just have to have the knowledge to get what you need and sell it not just one element but all types can change your pocketbook for the better, let's look at all the minerals that are magnetic. And can be picked up with a magnetic sweeper!


The Magnetic Minerals are few, but the property is important because of this fact. Once a specimen is established as magnetic, identification becomes a rather routine exercise. The mineral magnetite is named after this characteristic.
Magnetism occurs (most often) when there is an imbalance in the structural arrangement of the iron ions. Iron is found in two principle ionic states called ferrous and ferric ions. The ferrous ion has charge of positive two, (+2); the ferric ion has a charge of positive three, (+3). The two ions have different atomic radii because the higher charge of the ferric ions pulls the electrons surrounding the ion in tighter. This fact can lead to the different ions being placed in separate positions in a crystal structure. Electrons that move from the ferrous to the higher positively charged ferric ions create a slight magnetic field.
The minerals that are magnetic range in magnetic strength from being capable of lifting steel rods to barely turning the needle on a compass. A few minerals may not be magnetic, but are still attracted to magnets. Magnetism is somewhat of an unreliable property as not all specimens may demonstrate it. While the presence of magnetism may all but clinch an identification, the lack of magnetism should not generally exclude typically magnetic minerals. A compass needle is a good test device for testing magnetism as is a magnet on a string that might sway near the specimen.

These are some of the more common minerals that demonstrate magnetic properties:

Magnetite is an oxide of iron (as is hematite). It is not a component of ordinary rust, although it can form as iron oxidizes in a dry environment. When you see sparks from welding operations or from iron striking a hard surface (as when it is held against a spinning grinder), the sparks are due to the rapid (and exothermic) oxidation of tiny particles of iron into magnetite.
Magnetite is a natural magnet, hence the name, giving it a very nice distinguishing characteristic. Explaining the magnetism is not easy but here is a go at it. Remember, electricity produces magnetic fields just as magnetism produces electric fields. Magnetite is a member of the spinel group which has the standard formula A(B)2O4. The A and B represent usually different metal ions that occupy specific sites in the crystal structure. In the case of magnetite, Fe3O4, the A metal is Fe +2 and the B metal is Fe +3; two different metal ions in two specific sites. This arrangement causes a transfer of electrons between the different irons in a structured path or vector. This electric vector generates the magnetic field.
Magnetite is the primary oxide of iron found in meteorites (and thus presumably in asteroids).
Thermite is a mixture of powdered magnetite and powdered aluminum. When ignited, the aluminum fuel burns using the magnetite as an oxidizer, resulting in much heat, aluminum oxide (corundum), and molten iron.

The mineral pyrite, or iron pyrite, also known as fool's gold, is an iron sulfide with the chemical formula FeS₂. Pyrite is considered the most common of the sulfide minerals. Pyrite's metallic luster and pale brass-yellow hue give it a superficial resemblance to gold, hence the well-known nickname of fool's gold. 
Also found in sand