Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Update information (fiber optics solar batteries)

Medialibraryinfo@gmail.com +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

A lot of people wanted to know more about these fiber optics solar batteries and how they operate, of course we couldn't give away our secrets because we wouldn't have anything to Patton. But there's another way for you to understand how we came to our conclusions by watching what is known already on the market. This information should give you an idea on how and why we are developing fiber optics solar batteries in the first place. If you didn't get a chance to see those fiber optics solar batteries please go back following this link to see the previous papers.
                         Original papers on fiber optics solar batteries above

The videos that you see below will serve you well in learning what is possible when it comes to fiber optic in lighting technology. You'll be surprised on what you will learn and then you will be able to understand what we are doing with our designs based on the technology we already know about, now we are taking that just a bit further not much just a little bit to stretch the Realms of possibilities with the facts of what already exists.

This is the reason why I love working in the library, at Media Library. I'm going to show you a series of videos so you can get to understand how we progressed with this new product we have called fiber optics solar batteries. Let's play a video where the typical lobbyist is letting you know about what he knows about fiber optics, most people will have this type of knowledge about fiber optics. But there is so much more that he doesn't mention but we have to learn from the bottom up so let's look at this from the top.
Next let's look at some Next Generation fiber optics or what we call bending light to your demand.

No believe it or not the next video that we are showing you below has to do with how our system works yes us fiber optics solar Batteries Not only uses artificial light, but also sunlight in combination to get the most out of the product. Why because our system must work at night

Me and my staff argued a lot about whether we were going to put this next video in, and tells a little too much on how I system works. But as you see it's here. Most of my staff doesn't believe there's anyone smart enough to figure out what we are actually doing even though this video explains it it seems to go in a different direction in which we are apparently using are solar batteries for. Maybe you will be the exception?
The next video you are watching talks about those solar lights and how the switching mechanism works of course this one is custom. But they all basically work the same.

Now let's learn about these advanced fiber optics and how they actually work. Remember people put thousands of Christmas lights up every year and I know that burns to some electricity. So fiber optics are now coming in two-faced day watch the next two videos and see how even the office buildings are using this technology and the next Generations.

So if you're not understanding let's put it in simpler terms, we want the apparatus to Glow the Glo means that light is being light absorbed, this is the reason why you have to understand laser light. Even though this system doesn't need to use laser light it does give the light amplification in each one of the panels, to understand the process of lasers meaning that you can just simply get a brighter light for Less power.

Something light from the outdoors indoors throughout skyscrapers is a thing of the past, the new innovation is to this technology in solar upgrades, something we've been working with and know that others are on the same path.

As you look through these technologies that are already been tried and sold on the market you see fiber optic solar batteries is not a stretch of the imagination, it's just a New Concept to an old technology.

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