Make sure you study The Homestead Survival tips for innovative ways you can become self-sufficient on a budget.
If you live in a low income area you notice that people don't hundreds of tires in your neighborhood
You can ensure this works to your advantage by taking a bust tire that has been thrown out and using it for your roofing shingles DIY project. Using used tires to make your roof is an excellent idea because rubber is waterproof. In this article you will learn a DIY project on how to use recycled tires as roofing materials.
Recycled tire roofing shingles are an innovative material for roofing that helps homeowners save money (as trying to purchase readymade rubber for roofing on popular platforms like Craigslist and Ebay would entail spending several hundreds or even thousands of dollars) apart from saving the environment.
Built from recycled tires, the roofing shingles (made after this DIY project) are more durable and eco-friendly than the traditional wooden or slate roofing styles.
Materials for Shingles:
Car Tires
Sharp Razor Blades
Materials for Roof:
3/4″ Plywood sheets
8ft 2″x4″
Miscellaneous wood
This recycled tire roofing shingles DIY project is easy to complete with the right materials besides the use of used tires. The project shows the method you can use to cut a tire part so as to make a tire shingle.
It addresses the positives and negatives of using recycled tire shingles, along with the weight considerations of the home to be roofed with tire shingles and steps on how to install the shingles. See the tutorial below.
We all know that used tires are thrown out daily and someone has to dispose or make use of them…. let your homestead benefit.
Click here to read about how to make homemade tire roof shingles and how to install them:
Roof shingles are not new they are made by corporations in the industrial world
Even though the shingles are made in desperately, they are many other products that are not made buy bigger corporations as of yet, if you're thinking that maybe you could make roads out of these old tires or even patio pavers, then think again these things have already been created Nazi say that you couldn't do them yourself. Just grind up the tires is capable and add them to your concrete
Keep this Recipe in mine
Boil water and mix concrete into the boiling water then add into hot melted plastic when the water almost is evaporated or just adds very little water to the concrete and Heat the concrete and then add the melted plastic bags or plastic bottles to the mix.
How far can you stretch a bag of cement, I'll results that we can take one bag and stretch it into 4 using these techniques
Cutting rubber tires into something artistic
When you've done learning how to cut your rubber into specialized designs then the end results as your product will end up looking like this
When you've done learning how to cut your rubber into specialized designs then the end results as your product will end up looking like this
With all these ideas and more to come why do we even have waste in the first place, it's because the people themselves are not using their imagination. They're always waiting for permission to do something. The government is not our father and mother you are supposed to be covering yourself. Take initiative and use your imagination and this is already a better world, but it seems to me that there buying into Trump saying let's make America great again as though it wasn't great in the first place, it is up to the individual to make America what is going to be or not going to be not a president. You are a independent Republican by the Constitution start acting like it.
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