Monday, September 17, 2018

DIY building your own sunlight solar tracker +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

We posted this this video for the purpose of understanding the information we understood almost 20 years ago. Of course to get where we are you had to understand some of the lower technology before we got to our fiber optics solar cells, why track the sun if you can make your own artificial sun to constantly keep your solar batteries or what we call solar cells that act as batteries constantly running a charge, it's like any other circuit. But the circuits are broken when you don't have visible light from the sun. But like a solar calculator if you get enough solar it can get the job done so if that little solar calculator can run continuously and constantly with household lighting, how much solar would you need to have to run your entire house with indoor lighting. Of course you're going to have to come up with an ingenious way to put the light into the solar which we have. Of course it can't interfere with regular lighting it's has to be lighting by itself and we want like to be more efficient so l e d is a must. Again we're just trying to bring you up where we are learn the tricks of the trades, these little tricks become so convenience and so energy efficient, it's worth mentioning on how we got to where we are now. But keep in mind any greeting your solar into your walls of your cabins is all the future of solar is even going to be possible to keep around, otherwise it will be overtaken by other and better new technology.

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