Saturday, January 19, 2019

Free energy is not a conspiracy nor a theory it's just hidden +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

We had two adds more to this paper about pumping water, the source of all living things is water. Of course energy flows from this system and the Ancients had it so why don't they want you to know that these things exist and can be used. We take the evidence from YouTube thousands people put they're ram pumps on to that programs but they never add a simple water wheel or siphon techniques into their Rim pump. We want to show you that things that run 24 hours in the Roman days could be outfitted in today's Technologies one is an ancient clock II is a pup these two sings should let you know that free energy is not a lie it's just not well known
It won't be too hard to add a water wheel on to this pump to make it go back and forth as you seen in previous papers that we wrote. On the below video keep in mind we want you to hear one thing how long did they say this Clockwork is the point now if it did work this long we know that it's power source came from a flowing river
Something that lasted longer than batteries. So remember when you hear things about perpetual motion machines that didn't work they didn't use the principles of flowing water like the ram pump itself. It means that if you can pump water from one source and fill a tank that has a siphon in it then use that energy. Of course people ask how, try understanding the hit and miss engine does the engine need to constantly move the Pistons to get power out of it the answer is no. Of course these lessons are not taught in school, but they are used in today's technology look up storing energy in a flywheel on YouTube. Of course you can't connect the two that the hit and miss engine is the same thing it's storing energy in a flywheel.
So is this clock ran 24 hours 7 days a week, it flies in the face those people sing that free energy doesn't exist so give this video to all those experts on YouTube who says those particular words and show them this paper

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