Wednesday, March 25, 2020

H.p.p. hydroponic pods +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

                         H.p.p. hydroponic pods

See part 2 below>

Okay I'm going to build a grow Tower and put these hydroponic pods on to the Grove Towers. But we have to start somewhere so here's the Prototype and then we kill upgrade them from there.
The first example of the hydroponic pods and as you read below we were going to update this system so go down to Part 2 and see how many transformations we have done so far.

The reason why!

To summarize, plastics in categories #2, #4 and #5 are generally considered safe. Be weary of putting them in the microwave, even if they are labeled “microwave-safe”. Plastics #1, #3, #6 and #7 should be used with varying to extreme caution, especially around food or drink.

There was a few things I didn't like, as I hung it outside to see how it would fare in the weather
So to continue the experiment I made a different configuration not exactly what I was going for but it seems to be holding up so I put the drip feed into it now this drip-feed is manual that means I'll have to check it every day until I find the pump to pump the water up to the top.

The video shows how the manual drip system is working, an automatic system will be added as we upgrade this system but for now we want to show that we can feel the water jug and it will drip during the day

We planted some kale seed to see the growth of the hydroponic systems we wanted to fully test the systems before upgrading and making it better you will see these types of upgrades in the following blogs.
Part 2 begins here

In part one we were testing this prototype, after we figure it out that the hydroponic pod tape and drip systems work the way they supposed to work oh, I would give it about a 75% accuracy rate on its workability some final adjustments could be made to make it even better but I am happy with the results except for one let's see the Construction and what happened to it in high winds.

So we begin working on an upgrade as we planned it in first place this system was supposed to be a growing Tower with high technology within it it's also supposed to be a vertical Greenhouse but we had to test the system so we build these little small prototypes to get to the different stages of this technology this is the wooden upgrade.

This configuration will allow me to grow larger vegetables vertically but to Simply give a test to the upgrades is what we want to see first so be patient there are more upgrades to come and see.

In back of the system

Showing the new drip system which works perfectly this is just a temporary version, we will remove the nails and replace a 2 by 4 with a large hole in the center not big enough for the funnel to go through but big enough for it to rest on the edges while watering the pods.

Time for a video to see the upgrade to the drip system how we upgraded from the original bag that was hanging and the water jug that was inside that plastic bag now we eliminated that plastic bag and just left the water jug we spaced the two-by-fours so the water jug will fit inside it easily let's see some video on how we control the water before we cover it up

You should Now understand how we're using the water jug as a drip system and water control even though you have to take the bottom jug and reap or the water end to the top Doug manually at this time, in future upgrades we will add the water pump and the system that will pump and maintain the water.

Will these heavy bricks be enough to keep the wind from toppling over this project we have more ideas to keep them up right but at this time we wanted it to be portable and removable we may not be able to do it all so we're just going to test the water system and the durability in high winds which should return like the first time you seen it knocked down those flimsy PVC pipes.

We took a lot of time and efforts to make sure that we use number 2 plastic or metal in this system that aluminum metal funnel is just a way to funnel the water where we wanted to go it works so much better than the plastic bag we hung it in in the first prototype. Aluminum tape keeps the pods hanging without coming loose from the funnel. Remember we're going to replace this system with a wood block where the orange string is going across but we wanted people to see how the drip system works before we covering it up with decorations Plastics and making this look more professional, which you'll see in upcoming videos.

The above picture and Below pictures are showing that we're putting plastic over the top of the systems to keep those bugs off the garden and still have some room for the garden themselves oh, there will be changes made in this system because it will be much taller so the bottom of this will have plastic or glass doors, maybe we'll see which works better. But at this time we're just testing if the wind will knock it down or not that is a problem that we're trying to remedy.

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