Saturday, May 23, 2020

Explain how I learned to create overunity at the age of 14 +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

Okay without breaking the laws of physics for those guys who try to make more energy out then they put in. Let's simply say this let's do more things efficiently with the power given so in the videos on YouTube which we are about to print or publish, we explain that an electrical gun in a television or the old televisions ran across your television hundreds and thousands of times to give you one clear image. So we try to get you to use your imagination, the people who are trying to destroy that with there on sustaining facts they use for example E = MC square as a fact. But in reality Nikola Tesla proved that E = m x v squared, now both equations have been known but only one has been published and said used as a fact, they're wrong Nikola Tesla had it right velocity is a force. But we can go back and forth about such things but that's not the point of these paper we just wanted to put it down for references so you understand would I am using instead of the traditional ways of thinking, And where I get it from.
 Teslas  (E =M x V) If you listen to this video very carefully you will hear her say that this is not a new e-discovery. It also proves that Tesla not Einstein's  Theories are correct.
 It's not saying that Einstein's theories are incorrect would we're trying to say is that both theories have facts and do different things, matter of fact the gravity or antigravity affects would have been achieved by Tesla and we would be in flying cars if this theory would have been more research . Because I was one who believed in teslas research we Continue researching into teslas phenomena 's the video above will show you some of those already discovered in being used affects,  This leaves the question open why haven't the scientist talks about this in open form for everyone to know about until now. One explanation means that the rotating of a solid mass creates the same Set in since we have propellers no need to use a liquid Kama meaning that someone's idea superceded this one. 2 different ways of thinking about the same thing which also gives rise to the Germans liquid Mercury  Engines.

As you can see in this small demonstration that we're trying to get you to understand when you alternate something that it produces power and how it actually does what it does, once you understand the over one then you can start understanding that you can do more than one thing at a time. We've been talk to you direct instruments and equations. But if we were thinking like Nikola Tesla everything is a frequency or a vibration everything ultimate if you want to get the most efficiency out of them. We talked about that in our next video, please read the information under the videos.

Stay tuned for more update
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