Monday, May 11, 2020

Mechanical horses for those who cannot legally drive +1-313-651-5349 Media Library Text 313-777-3031

My forward thoughts on the subject
If this subject is not legal then there's no way that self-driving cars can be legal. Things that are pulled are not considered vehicles.
The right to travel by other means than cars or trucks or what we considered automobiles should still be under the right to travel which is not a privilege but a right. Food For Thought for those who need to get from one place to another but are restricted by law to do so.

There's a growing thought among our people here at Media Library, discussed over video chat. If people cannot legally drive can we build a device we call a mechanical horse and this mechanical horse would pull things like this below
We do not know any known legal laws that would prevent someone from having this type of carriage , wagon  or buggy
Buggy or carriage horse driven vehicles have been used in New York and religious groups the Amish. Now in our time and date 20/20 is it possible to upgrade to a mechanical driven horse basically four wheels and some type of motor that pulls a carriage or buggy legal.
If no one can tell us about any laws that would govern this type of activity then we should start seeing different styles of these buggies, carriages, wagons, or would ever else falls into this category let's see some of the pictures below.
As you can see someone designed this and it's outstanding beautiful.

But can we push this idea to new heights and look for different types of wagons or carriages?
How about your trailers can be pulled not only by horses or what we call a mechanical horse but what about other types of animals.

We do know that pulling these apparatuses by other types of animals have already been done nothing new here.

But for all those people who need to get to work to get to one place or another and have been restricted by law to not have a license or just couldn't get one should still be forwarded the right to travel to one place or another the right to travel does this hold water.

Building you some type of carriages and building a mechanical horse we couldn't find it in law that forbids it so does anyone out there have any ideas for questions about it, please leave comments it should be very interesting conversation.

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