Friday, August 24, 2018

Bringing Marvel and other Comics to life Part 1; functional mod building

What I love about Marvel that keeps me interested in not only Marvel Comics butt all artistic expressions and that mean thing is other people's imagination. I watched a recent series on the History Channel where they explained that Flash Gordon's fictional information was so closely related to actual principles for reaching the Moon, I don't remember the exact name of the show but I do remember that they were giving you a true definition of Science Fiction, and the true meaning means that it is part science in part fiction. Then in another discussion someone told me that the best way to tell a secret was through science fiction. So this lift me to wondering if you could touch fiction and turning into real science. this is Ben my gold I look for inspiring Concepts and ideas and then I bring them to life, it's time to show you what I mean.
      Let's take Tony Starks Arc Reactor
Yes I realize this is someone else's drawings and Concepts, but like Tesla's, said, in my own words ;I'm not mad because they stole my ideas I'm mad because they don't have any ideas of Their Own. See I believe that if they took Tesla's ideas into a new directions he would be happy and amazed because they've had used their own power of imagination to bring something into the world to help mankind, yes I know it sounds just like those comic books I read but that is the point here. Let's push pass just the mirror Arc Reactor and bring it in to reality.
      Bringing science and art together to make something 
So remember I not only read Marvel Comics I also look at anime and I found something so close related to The Ark reactor, and some of its Origins is from Tesla I wonder if people will even understand what I'm trying to do here but no matter I'm going to do it anyway, weather I look foolish or not it's just too intriguing not to create something this unique.
So let's begin this semi real realistic story, and at the end we should have a sign creation of something real created out of fiction, I'm going to Frankenstein some of the Marvel creations with some of the anime creation let's start there. So starting with Tony Stark's Arc Reactor
 and do a crossover
Into the anime creation of 
Dimension w
Even though we're using both of these designs to come up with our own concept
We're going to have to take real lifework to achieve the artistic concept if we want to bring them into an extra function existing machine of modern times.
So let's use Nikola Tesla's and Nathan Stubblefield work.

We're not going into who designed what first or who borrowed or stoled the others idea, that's not the point of this paper but worth mentioning since we are taking Marvel and Anime works for are own.

We must apologized that here at media library where just a little bit ahead of everyone and this was the best way to catch people up to where we are little by little Story by story.
Well everyone was taking Tony Starks copper wire nodes as electromagnets to keep in the electric Arc we had another idea.
We decided to take each of those copper windings and make it out of a Tesla's coil look at the below image to draw your idea from the very shape and his first work link below if you wish to read more about the actual technology.

If each one of those Square nodes is a Tesla coil drawing power into your device, what we need to know if this is even possible. Of course we talked about it in previous papers so let's look at it when we wrote a crystal radio book some time ago on this subject,
 let's see some pages from the past

What we just witnessed is a coil wire wrapped around a circular or Square Matrix of some sort, to give it a name it makes a crystal radio so each one of those little squares is a crystal radio and as we look at the apparatus again
We see there's room enough for the electronics, the capacitors, and some LED lights to use as diodes and let us know that electricity is being transmitted into the device. So we're not trying to hear an actual broadcast from this Crystal radios we're trying to consume the electromagnetic waves for energy consumption. Yes it would light up for our visual effect
Let's move on since we've covered these in previous papers and there are other parts to this Sci-creation we must cover
Well this paper is well too long now will start putting this project together in a few reticle paper first and then the one after that will definitely a prototype, this may take a a while but stay tuned.
Just a reminder we know that the power of a lady isn't much power so what did Tesla do step up the power with his testicles this is how we bring these two projects together, the science of bringing other proven science into a project upgrades the new idea also we are trying to achieve its appeal by taking what we love and using it Tua please the eyes. But you must use real science in this Sci-creation

To be continued the next paper 

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