Sunday, August 19, 2018

If you ever dreamed of owning your own mini metal Factory

If you ever dreamed of owning your own mini metal Factory then look at this first video and then we'll go into why we are going to follow their lead do the same on our property so we can be more independent by making our own castings and making our own projects.
They make it so easy to have your own mini Forge but what about casting, of course they make it so hard also to buy pieces that may have been made in a foreign country. So again save time and money by doing it yourself, let's take a look on how some of these projects could be done once you have a forge to melt down metals
So it doesn't look complicated it may be a little tricky on some point but since we've already done are Forge, we figured out some of the little things they don't mention in the videos. So we will be showing a lot of more details in the future we're just prepping our land so you understand when we start building each project it's just to prove that it can be done. Sometimes those projects will in in disasters, and some of them will be totally destroyed. But no matter we're going to keep forging forward just like the pilgrims of the old days and find a way to do these things ourselves. Yes it would be easier just simply buying it but that negates on doing it yourself if you had to. You simply just won't have the experience to do anything for yourself if you never done it, you become like a little child dependent on the people who supplies your needs. So there are many purposes of learning to do it for yourself even if you don't have to, I for one do not want to be caught in the (state baby syndrome). 
We did it right in the backyard

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